Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why Boot Camp Burns Fat

Q : I am interested in losing some weight however after trying the gym thing twice with a personal trainer 3 times a week for aprox. 1 year and seeing no results I am a little skeptical and out of shape.
I would like to try the boot camp but am a little intimidated as most of the people on your Boot Camp Blog site are fit and in shape. I weight close to 200lbs and would be happy at about 150. I have spent a fortune on programs and gym memberships. Do you have any suggestions.

A : Hi Donna

Everybdy looks fit in our photos becuase they do our work outs.

Anybody can go to a gym, buy a membership, do aerobic classes, where you just show up and follow the leader, but in boot camp class we know your name, we know who you are, what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are and we directly motivate you and encourage you,"
Why are our Work Outs different ?

We use the '600' technique.

Never heard of it before?
Don't worry, neither have most fitness instructors, which is a shame, because, if they did, they'd be helping you to get your results much faster than you've been getting them!

The '600' technique is very easy to understand:
There are 600 muscles in the human body...each one of those 600 muscles has to burn calories to work.

Which means....
The more of those 600 muscles you work in each exercise, the more calories and the more fat you're going to burn during your work out.

And that's why Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp Work Out is going to help you get results in a fraction of the time. Because every exercise in every workout is designed to work as many of those 600 muscles as possible.

So you're going to burn calories, burn fat and sculpt your body faster than any other workout program you're ever tried. Sgt Shanahan Guaranteed!!

See you at Boot Camp and thats an order

Ryan ' Sgt' Shanahan