Saturday, September 29, 2007

2 reasons to come to Sgt Shanahan's BootCamp

1. You will Burn 1000 calories each work out

2. You will transform your body to be leaner, stronger and sexier

BootCamp 13 MVP's

The entire BootCamp group earned the MVP title today.

All the Trainer had smile's from ear to ear while watching the 100% Ripatude during the work out, especialy the Fat Cell Destruction Runs !!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp Motto

Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better and then Make it Happen !

Saturday, September 22, 2007

100% Results

Yes, thats right , Train with us and You will get results !!

Ryan 'The Sgt' Shanahan
Funk Roberts
Rouven The Commando
Markko The Giant
with Super BootCamp Trainee Greg Carver

Friday, September 21, 2007

BootCamp words of Wisdom

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.


What did you eat for lunch today ??

Did you eat at 'Subway' today or did you think you would be healthy and make a deli meat sandwich for lunch?

Please , for the sake of eliminating excess fat and better health please click on the link below.....

Mystery Meat photography

-Sgt Shanahan

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


-There is a difference between a "must" and a "want."

- The best motivation is self-motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on."
What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life.

- When you know what you want, and you want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

- Ripatude 24/7


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Funk Roberts 7 days a week

O.k Boot Camp Trainee's, Now you don't have to wait untill Saturdays to get your Funk Roberts Fix.
Here is a video of Funk demonstrating his favorite Anti Gravity Plyometric Butt & Leg exercises.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


MVP's Valerie & Greg

MVP # 11

MVP's :

Gerry & Barbara

Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp Testimonial

I am so happy to report the following personal fitness statistics, as measured by Medcan, which improvements are attributable to the several weeks of personal training and inspiration leading up to this year’s annual check up:

Strength Improvement : 4X Improvement !!!!
Abs Improvement 3X Improvement !!!
Flexibility Improvement 2X Improvement !!
Oxygen Capacity Improvement 17% Improvement !
Weight Decrease 12 Lbs

I think these are great results and you are the inspiration.
Thank you
See you at Boot Camp.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

BootCamp MVPs

10 year old Jamie and Murray

Ask for the Sgt Shanahan Discount

All of the Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp Work Out equipment is supplied by The Treadmill Factory in Markham.

The Treadmill Factory definetly has the most affordable prices in Ontario and as a bonus to all Bootcamp trainees an additional savings will be added when you ask for the Sgt Shanahan Discount.

Everyone should have a kettlebell at home to stay tuned up between BootCamp Work Outs

Monday, September 3, 2007

What to do between Boot Camp Work Outs

Grab your KettleBell and do these fast & effective full body sculpting exercises 2x per week.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Boot Camp #9 MVP

Patrick & Estella

Boot Camp #8 MVP

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Boot Camp MVP #6

Karen !!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Off Ice Conditioning

Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp Trainee Carlos is training mega hard for the upcoming Hockey Season.
Watch a sample of one of his work outs.
Think you could keeep up ?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Boot Camp #5 - Holiday Pain

Monday, July 30, 2007

Sgt Shanahan's Exercise of the Week #1

Between the Legs Pass
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width. Grab one kettleball with your left hand and bring it around the front of your left leg towards the back of the leg.
Reach between your legs with your right arm and switch the kettleball to your right hand. Repeat this circular motion for the prescribed repetitions.
Repeat with other arm.

Trainer's comments:
What it works : Anti Gravity Butt Muscle Sculpting and Core / Ab Firmer exercise

Sets RepsWeight/
150 reps 10 - 35lbs   


Saturday, July 28, 2007

'War on Body Fat' Boot Camp Video

"If you give up during your training... It's because your mind is weak... If you pass out, its because your body is weak."

:Rouven the Commando

Boot Camp #4 Group

" This entire group could have been MVP's, definitely our best effort yet"

- Sgt Shanahan

Boot Camp #4 MVP's

Boot Camp MVP's are 2 Rookies Chris & Robyn

Boot Camp #4 was a very advanced and gruelling work out, especially for first timers.

Chris and Robyn despite visible muscle fatigue and burn never quit
Now that is the definition of ' Ripatude " !!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why Boot Camp Burns Fat

Q : I am interested in losing some weight however after trying the gym thing twice with a personal trainer 3 times a week for aprox. 1 year and seeing no results I am a little skeptical and out of shape.
I would like to try the boot camp but am a little intimidated as most of the people on your Boot Camp Blog site are fit and in shape. I weight close to 200lbs and would be happy at about 150. I have spent a fortune on programs and gym memberships. Do you have any suggestions.

A : Hi Donna

Everybdy looks fit in our photos becuase they do our work outs.

Anybody can go to a gym, buy a membership, do aerobic classes, where you just show up and follow the leader, but in boot camp class we know your name, we know who you are, what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are and we directly motivate you and encourage you,"
Why are our Work Outs different ?

We use the '600' technique.

Never heard of it before?
Don't worry, neither have most fitness instructors, which is a shame, because, if they did, they'd be helping you to get your results much faster than you've been getting them!

The '600' technique is very easy to understand:
There are 600 muscles in the human body...each one of those 600 muscles has to burn calories to work.

Which means....
The more of those 600 muscles you work in each exercise, the more calories and the more fat you're going to burn during your work out.

And that's why Sgt Shanahan's Boot Camp Work Out is going to help you get results in a fraction of the time. Because every exercise in every workout is designed to work as many of those 600 muscles as possible.

So you're going to burn calories, burn fat and sculpt your body faster than any other workout program you're ever tried. Sgt Shanahan Guaranteed!!

See you at Boot Camp and thats an order

Ryan ' Sgt' Shanahan

Your Special Oppurtunity to ask a fitness expert

Ryan Shanahan will be at The Tread Mill Factory answering all your KettleBell questions this upcoming Saturday afternoon from 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M July 28th / 07

The TreadMill Factory

MARKHAM - Flagship store

230 Denison St.

Markham, Ont.

L3R 1B6


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What should I eat before a Boot Camp Work Out ?

What should I eat before a Boot Camp Work Out ?

Eating 3/4 cup (175 grams) of yogurt with one cup of water, 30 minutes before exercising. Not only is it hydrating, this snack does not turn into blood sugar too quickly and therefore allowing you to maintain some energy towards the end of your workout.

Eat a slice of whole wheat tost with some natural almond butter. Stay way from peanut butters that are full of sugar. Read the label.

Grab an apple and a small hand full of almonds. This will fuel you through your work out and beyond.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Boot Camp #3 MVP's

Boot Camp #3 MVP's are Gerry & Christin

- 100 % Ripatude
- Never Quit
- Encouraged other trainee's
- Turned Pain into Fat Burning Pleasure !

Each MVP won an offical limited edition SGT Shanahan BootCamp t-shirt

Boot Camp Work Out #3

Commando Squats

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Commando wants You to burn more fat off

Just to warn all Boot Camp trainee's
Commando Rouven is in a Full On Ripatude mood.

We talked today and he started to rant about how we haven't been making the work outs hard enough and that more Fat needs to be burned.

Be ready everyone.
See you on Sat and remember you can purchase Boot Camp Work out sessions on line at WWW.WARONBODYFAT.COM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Good News and Bad News

I have Good news and Bad news for all Boot Camp Trainee's.

The Bad news is your muscles will be very sore after each Boot Camp Work Out.

The Good News is you can relive this muscle pain by applying 7 Point pain relief cream.

Boot Camp Trainee 'KettleBell Pete' sent me this message today.

" 24 hours after my first Sgt Shanahan BOOT Camp Work Out, my body is rudely reminding me that its time to really get into shape.
The 7 Point Cream is definitely relieving my deep muscle soreness. I will be ready for a refill next Saturday "

For more info on 7 Point Pain Neutralizer cream visit

Saturday, July 14, 2007

BootCamp #2 Trainee's of the Day

Congratulations to Natashia and William
for being chosen as Boot Camp Trainee's of the Day.

Both showed great speed , determination and perfect form.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sgt Shanahan's Trainee's of the Day

7 / 7 / 07

Sgt Shanahan Boot Camp Work Out Trainee's of the Day are
Desmond and Karen.

Both Trainee's:

- Worked Hard
- Gave Lots of High Fives
- Never stopped or quit during an exercise
- Had the 'Ripatude'

Will you chosen as Sgt Shanahan's Trainee of the Day Next ?

Balance Ball Knee Tucks

Lunges , Lunges, Lunges

Rouven's Commando Push Ups

Have to Sweat to Burn Fat

Sgt Shanahan approved Exercise Form

This is how you get results

Funk & Gerry are Pumped Up !!

Feel the Burn

The Stretch

Fun for the Whole Familly